
Carmen Grasso was born in Naples, Italy to an Italian father and an Austrian mother. After her A-levels at the Liceo classico P. Giannone in Benevento she moved to Austria, where she graduated in Translation for the Italian and German languages from Karl Franzens University in Graz.

Her interest for foreign languages took her first to the Netherlands, where she studied Dutch at Rjiksuniversiteit in Utrecht and later to the USA, where she further improved her English at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (TOEFL Test score 563).

Her passion for teaching and education brought her back to Austria, where she became a Trained Montessori Teacher and completed her Intercultural Studies for tutoring foreign students (IKL) at the Pedagogical Academy in Graz. Currently she is senior lecturer for Italian at the University of Music and Performing Arts (KUG) in Graz.